Means dynamic lib will not omit some global variable, and whole archive option can save it. 2 Answers Sorted by: 4 I had the same problem, but could not stop CMAKE from reordering the flags and my library. ”./main-whole-archive” and “./main-dynamic”, we find both “A::A” and “B::B” are called. To verify if any one symbols defined in a object file is used by main directly or indirectly, then all the symbols (codes) inside the object will be linked into target. You could add some functions inside the b.cpp, and see if that function can be find inside the target binary’s symbols. To verify it’s the object file not contained, not just the global variable. ”./main” we can find only “A::A” is called, and “B::B” is not called, this means the object file b.o containing global object ‘b’ is not compiled into the lib. Running the generated executable, we can find: $ g++ main.o -Wl,-whole-archive libX.a -Wl,-no-whole-archive -o main-whole-archive a archive, not based on the global object and reserve functions in same object file.

Note: the linker omits some object files of the. Either compile using -fPic (necessary on everything but Windows) in order to create position-independent code which will allow linking the static libraries. Use the “–whole-archive” option of the linker when linking with static lib, such that the object will not be omitted. Then the client application calls the function. In that cases, we could solve this by two methods:ĭeclare the object to function local static variable, and export that function/functions. there is no equivalent to ld's -whole-archive). The problem is that the Visual Studio linker does not provide flags to link an entire static library (i.e. There is pattern that use global object intialization for self registered resource. This CMakeLists. I'm on Windows, and I need a DLL composed of multiple static libraries, any of which can define dllexport functions not otherwise referenced in the DLL. CMake uses CMakeLists.txt to configure project files. But that global object is not exported to client applications. CMake is a cross-platform build tool that can output a variety of Makefile or Project files as needed. Global object auto initialization has side effect which needs by the lib itself to run correctly.
This is good and saves the generated code size and remove “dead code” in the target binary, but this default behavior has caused un-intended effects when combined with two things: The Green Hills MULTI generator sets this to the full path to gbuild.exe(Windows) or gbuild(Linux) based upon the toolset being used. Turn off the effect of the -whole-archive option for subsequent archive files. In particular, for the cmakewholearchivelibTargets.cmake that is genreated by the library's CMake configurepackageconfigfile. Just run update_configure_scriptsto get a newer version.Conflict between linker’s default behavior and programmer’s intentionīy default the linker will omit one object file inside an static lib archive if every symbols inside that object are not used by the target binary directly or indirectly. This option is useful when using unmodified Unix makefiles on a Microsoft. When the USEWHOLEARCHIVEON option is enabled in the library build the various 'wholearchive' flags are injected directly in the pkcconfig files via the targetlinklibraries() calls. Sometimes libraries come with out-of-date autoconfigure scripts (e.g., old configure.guess can't recognise aarch64 platforms of systems using Musl C library).
update_configure_scripts: utility to update autoconfigure scripts.def build(self): cmake CMake(self) n('cmake. You can use your command line tools to invoke your build system or any of the build helpers provided with Conan. What BinaryBuilder does is to create a tarball containing all files that are found inside the $/srcdir/THIS_IS_THE_LICENSE.md This method is used to build the source code of the recipe using the desired commands. This CMakeLists.txt file illustrates use of 'wholearchive' flags in the executable targetlinklibrary () call, which forces linking of all symbols regardless of whether or not they are used/referenced. If you have additional tips, please submit a PR with suggestions. I currently have to specify something like the following for every application that wants to use this library targetlinklibraries ( Application -Wl,-whole-archive -llegacyLib -Wl,-no-whole-archive libA libB ) I was hoping there might have been a better way to do this with target properties of legacyLib. If your build fails with some errors, look at the Build Troubleshooting page. But, many libraries have complicated build scripts that may need to be adapted to support all of the BinaryBuilder targets. BinaryBuilder provides a convenient environment to enable cross-platform building.